Friday, March 30, 2007

Sara B.

Joshua HeadRachel, and I have been talking a lot with a student named Sara B. She's one of my favorites here at WJU, and I would love to take credit for some of the transformation that's been happening in her life. But I know that Karen has been the one really working closely with her through the year. Though, I guess the person who really deserves props for the growth is Sara B. herself. Anyway, Sara came by the other day, and I helped her work on a blog that she wanted to start posting on. She put up her first post yesterday, and I wanted to put a link to it on here. This is just one story of the transformation that can occur in a student's life during college. God is good. You can go here to read her post. It's the definition of encouragement to a campus minister.

1 comment:

Sara B. said...

Now, now, Joshua. You and Rachel can definitely take some of the credit. Though there are lots of others you have to share with! Susan, my lovely group of friends (including Ballsack, Miranda, Jess, Klempa, and boyfriend), E-Mac, the Sisters of St. Joseph, and the kids at the Lincoln Center among others. It's groups of people like these who make it possible for changes within myself to come to fruition.

And of course, there's that divine entity called "God." He had a lot to do with it too.

Thanks for the link, and thanks for reading!

Student Interview

Christopher McPherson


What is one big change you have seen in your life since you started college?
Um… that I have found the activities that I really enjoy such as theater, service activities... that’s probably the biggest change. And that I like to do things like singing-I joined the choir since I got here. Mostly I’d say the activities that I enjoy that I did not do in high school.

What has been the best experience for you in college?
Best experience? Wow. The service trip. Service trips in general, but I’d say the most rewarding experience was the trips I made to Mississippi and New Orleans for Hurricane Katrina relief.

What would you say is the biggest struggle facing college students today?
Biggest struggle would be the pressures to fit in to the college stereotype of drinking, staying up all hours of the night, and just making unhealthy decisions.

What is one way in which your faith has grown since you started college?
I have become more active in prayer-my own prayer. I'm taking time whenever I’m able to and just sitting down and meditating and praying. And doing a lot of self awareness activities to see wehre I am in my faith life and where I can go.

How do you plan on working your faith into your career when you leave WJU?
Well. Seeing as I don’t know exactly what uh career path I’m going to go on, I’m not sure I can specifically work an answer in. But generally I’ll try to be a model for the people I work with who maybe are struggling with their own faith life and maybe help to point them in a direction where they can be more knowledgeable and grow in their faith.

How would you sum up the ministry of the CCO?
What’s your tagline? Transforming college students to transform the world? Pretty much sums it up right there. What are you writing? I didn’t say anything!